
Monday, January 7, 2013


So, today, at school, at the lunch table, my friends and I were all talking about how nice our teacher, Miss Doodle, is.

Miss Doodle is GREAT. She never yells at us, and she lets us do whatever we want. Even though she can be a bit weird, we really like her. This is Miss Doodle:
Anyway, the yellow tiger next to me is my best friend, Tommy.
He's really nice, and we hang out a lot. We met when we were still in the playpen, so we're really good friends.

I invited Tommy over to my house this afternoon, and he said yes. We usually go into the living room and play video games or watch TV.
But then, Dad saw us and told us we had to do something more "active," like playing outside.

I told Dad it was too cold outside, but he pushed us out anyway, and slammed the door.

We decided to climb the huge tree that grew on our house. But that wasn't the best idea, because Tommy ended up almost falling off one of the branches.
After I helped him up, guess what? I tipped over and fell in the freezing cold river.
After my parents lugged me out, they hit me with a week of grounding. I can't have Tommy over, and no electronics.

But, at least my dad won't budge me to go outside anymore!


Sunday, January 6, 2013


Okay, so here's what happened with the sledding.

After Mom and I finished breakfast, Penny and Dad came down, and we got on boots, snow pants, jackets, gloves, and hats.
 We went to Mt. Shiveer. That place has the biggest hills, so we decided to go there.

We got on our sleds. I was super excited to go down, but then I realized the hill wasn't covered with snow. It was covered with ice.

"Penny!" I said. "This is ice, not snow!" But Penny just looked at me and stuck her tongue out. "You're just scared!" she said, and before I could reply, Dad pushed me down.

Let me just say that this was VERY painful.

First of all, the sled scraped the ice, making a loud screeching noise and making my sled's bottom covered with scratches. Then, the ice began to scrape into chips, which blasted into my face, making me cover my eyes. And since I was covering my eyes, I didn't see that a huge rock was in my sled's way.

So, I hit the rock, and that hurt badly. And it made me go high up in the air! I fell off the sled, and landed on the hard ground. I groaned in pain, and to top it off, Penny's sled hit the rock, and her sled fell on top of me.

Mom and Dad rushed down to help. "Are you okay?" Mom asked. "Let's get you home."

After we got home, Mom made us hot chocolate while we stayed in the living room and watched TV.

It was nice after falling from a red sled and having ice chips blasted into my eyes, so this day wasn't all bad.

I don't think my family's ever going sledding again. At least, at Mt. Shiveer.


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday Morning

One of my favorite things to do in the morning is sleep. I LOVE sleeping! I love to sleep late, like until 9:00 in the morning, but unfortunately, my mom woke me up at 8:00 in the morning.

"Wake up, Cherry! Wake up!" she would yell, and I'd just stick the pillow between my ears. But Mom pulled my blanket and pillow off and said, "Come on, Cherry. You need to wake up earlier!"

So Mom made me get up and come downstairs. Penny was already up, watching a caterpillar show on TV, and Dad was already up, too, watching the same show.

Mom also made me eat fruit salad for breakfast, and even the pineapples, which I HATE.
I asked Mom why she'd woken me up early, and she said because today we were going sledding. I love sledding, so I was pretty happy.

I'll keep you posted later.


Friday, January 4, 2013


Hi, my name's Cherry, and I'm a panda plushie. This is my new blog, where I'll be posting about my life. I live in Jamaa Township, with my sister Penny, my dad, and my mom. Here's a picture of me, and my family:


                                         My family. Penny, my little sister, is the purple panda. My dad is the blue panda, and my mom is the gray panda.

I have a crazy family. Sometimes I can't stand Penny, and other times my dad and my mom are SO unfair. So I'll just be writing about my life.
